George and I are blogging in the KATV room. All of the improv class people are in here and we are having a BALL(s). Georgia will go first.
I am no longer dating Glasses. He is no longer attracted to me, so we are no longer. I told my friend Lauren that and she said "Dude, I'm attracted to you. He's gay." Also, I am queen of the Doo Dah Parade. I sang and took off my clothing. I am in multiple newspapers and here's one. http://pasadenaindependent.com/print-edition/pasadena-independent-april-7-2011/
I'm so cute. I have three dates this weekend with three different guys. I hope one is a winner.
Here's George...
Helloooooooo ladiesssssss
Man Ficus is coming home for prom compliments of OG Mama ficus. That's about it.
A PSA from Butters...
I hope you are having a good day and I hope you have a bright future. I would like to plan a bake sale soon in my apartment complex but my landlady look confused and said "no"
I'm going to ask Georgia if I can have it in her apartment.
And now, a somber moment from Little One...
I would like to inform you that nothing we ever do lasts. We're all just cockroaches. Wildebeast dying in a river. The end.
These things aside I got a date to prom HAHA! Go visit CelestialBrushGod on Deviant Art. Shut up. Just do it.
As you have seen from the title of today's blog, the Ficus Daily has turned one year old. That is all.
George + Georgia= RAGE/ORGI
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